Your credit score comes from your credit report. Essentially it is your spending and repayment report card. Credit reports often aren’t correct, and incorrect information can hurt your score. We make sure your credit report contains correct information so you’ll have the highest score possible, and "repair" damaging items that may be listed.
Credit bureau Experian released a report that said -area consumers shoulder the highest debt among residents of the top 15 U.S. major metropolitan areas. The average debt per consumer in the area was $28,240. also have the lowest credit score among the top 20 metro areas in the nation with an average Vantage Score from Experian of score 708 out of a range of 300 to 850. This piece of information alone justifies growth of credit repair companies. Here at PCR, we've worked with all types of clients, 51.3% of people with poor (550 - 649) or very poor credit score 1 800 934-6105. Just 30.6% of population in has Excellent credit score (750 - 850). There is no quick fix for a bad credit score.